Tuesday 26 April 2011

All societies are afraid of innocent people

Nature is absolutely innocent. it knows nothing which can be called corruption.
All societies are afraid of innocent peoples because they will not support anything that goes against their innocence that goes against nature hence the first thing every society does is to corrupt the child the sooner you do it the better, because as the child matures it becomes more and more difficult to corrupt him.
the child has to be corrupted in the very early stages when he is helpless, vulnerable when he has no doubt in his mind when he imply believes in the parents in the teachers in the nabour he cannot conceive that these people are also not aware they are destroying their own childrens.
it is the society of blind people sleepwalkers.
they walking without knowing why, where
they go on stumbling ,hurting themselves and other without even recognizing that this whole pilgrimage is absolutely absurd. life is here and now it is not a pilrimiage it is not a goal somewhere far away that you have to reach but this is part of the corruption pehaps the most important part every child is being taught from the begning when he born.
his innocence is bening distroyed
i dont know why
every child is forced to become something that he never wants to become and he never become for that, he is forced to become for its not his fault.

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