About Me

I always want a total change in my life because i feel so discontented, so limited , so frustrated
i want to live free
i want to live my life own without any limitation
The time is atomic this moment is also atomic nobody can see it because the moment you see is already gone.in the time that is taken in seeing,it has gone
the rivers flowed on,the arrow has moved,and nobody has ever seen time
why i think about past–what is gone is gone; and nobody thinks about future–that has not come yet, has not come yet.one simply goes deeper and deeper into the present, and that is the door of god. the present is the door,and our single mindedness is the key.
like lovers the followers of the path of love, make love their undercurrent.they eat. but they eat with love–they walk but they walk with love–because the earth is holy ground.
when you are a hollow bamboo, existence sings million of songs through you it transforms you into a beautiful flute.
but you have to hollow bamboo,utterly empty,so there is nothing to obstruct the flow