Saturday 30 April 2011

BBA entrance exam 2011

BBA entrance exam date of CET 28th May, 2011(Saturday), 10.30 am-1.00 pm

River flows in you

i just love it
and cant stop hearing it.

we study to make path for others

i ask this to many people a i get the answer. and the answer is, to become brillient,perfect and to earn money , to live a good life
but this is not the right answer

we study to make path for other.
and we study to become usefull to others.
we study to help
but the moral of the people is bad they think negative
what is money? money is not everything.
 just only a piece of paper. and nothing
but why a brother is killing another brother for money.

i know the importance of money but life is more important then money.

Friday 29 April 2011

major factors in family environment

th major factors in family environment especially parantal behaviour
no education literature has comprehensively defined what constitutes adequent optimal or even poor parenting the reasons for this is related to the enormous  complexity of
child rearing while a newborn needs a mother who can understand his or her body language and help the infant to organise his psychological states into predictable rhythms a teenager will benefit from a parents who can help him or her explore the range of socially acceptable experience in this era of abundent distraction poor supervision of children by parents and the use of harsh physical punishment to discipline them are strong predictors of violence during the teenager years 

Walden Or Life In The Woods

Walden (first published as Walden; or, Life in the Woods) is an American book written by notedTranscendentalist Henry David Thoreau. The work is part personal declaration of independence, social experiment, voyage of spiritual discovery, satire, and manual for self reliance.
Thoreau did not intend to live as a hermit, for he received visitors regularly, and returned their visits. Rather, he hoped to isolate himself from society to gain a more objective understanding of it.Simple living and self-sufficiency were Thoreau's other goals, and the whole project was inspired bytranscendentalist philosophy, a central theme of the American Romantic Period. As Thoreau made clear in his book, his cabin was not in wilderness but at the edge of town, about two miles (3 km) from his family home.


Economy: In this first and longest chapter, Thoreau outlines his project: a two-year, two-month, and two-day stay at a cozy, "tightly shingled and plastered," English-style 10' × 15' cottage in the woods near Walden Pond. He does this, he says, to illustrate the spiritual benefits of a simplified lifestyle. He easily supplies the four necessities of life (food, shelter, clothing, and fuel) with the help of family and friends, particularly his mother, his best friend, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waldo Emerson. The latter provided Thoreau with a work exchange — he could build a small house and plant a garden if he cleared some land on the woodlot and did other chores while there. Thoreau meticulously records his expenditures and earnings, demonstrating his understanding of "economy," as he builds his house and buys and grows food. For a home and freedom, he spent a mere $28.12½, in 1845. At the end of this chapter, Thoreau inserts a poem, "The Pretensions of Poverty," by seventeenth-century English poet Thomas Carew. The poem criticizes those who think that their poverty gives them unearned moral and intellectual superiority.

Must read if you like independence, social experiment, voyage of spiritual discovery, satire, and manual for self reliance.

Transform yourself into a beautiful flute.

existence sings million of songs through you it transforms you into a beautiful flute.
but you have to hollow bamboo,utterly empty,so there is nothing to obstruct the flow

why we are here in this world

Why we are here? in this world 
our body is just a medium for living in this world 
but the real thing is always inside us and that is our soul that is the only thing that belongs to us 
we are not for things like car,house,cloths and etc but these thing are for us 
then why human want more and love this things.

suppose you are travelling by car and you stuck in traffic then what you do, you leave the car in the middle of the traffic. obviously not, then what you do, wait until the traffic move,
and if you are travelling by a bus and you stuck in the traffic then you can leave it. and start walking  so live free,without having burden of anything 

do comment plzzzzz 

Real happiness is only when shared

Real happiness is only when shared and what is needed for happiness.
i have lived through much and now i think i have founded what is needed for happiness
for happiness the only thing is needed is a quite secured life in the country with the possiblity of being usefull
to peoples.
to help other people to live for other is the real happiness
and real happiness is when you shared it with you friends,and someone you like to tell.
my friends just live for others and say yes to every opportunity.
and you will see changes in your life. your life become beautiful and happier then ever before 

Thursday 28 April 2011

into the wild movie

 Into The Wild
In 1990, Christopher McCandless (Emile Hirsch), a college graduate from Emory University, rejects a materialist and conventional life. He destroys all of his credit cards and identification documents, donates nearly his entire savings of $24,000 to Oxfam, and sets out on a cross-country drive in his well-used, but reliable Datsun to experience life in the wilderness. However, McCandless does not tell his wealthy, but unloving parents Walt (William Hurt) and Billie McCandless (Marcia Gay Harden) nor his sister Carine (Jena Malone) what he is doing or where he is going and does not communicate with them thereafter, leaving them to become increasingly anxious and eventually desperate.
Along the way, McCandless' automobile is caught in a flash flood causing him to abandon it and start hitchhiking instead. He burns what remains of his dwindling cash supply at the side of Lake Mead, Arizona and assumes a new name: Alexander Supertramp. Later, he encounters a hippie couple, Jan Burres (Catherine Keener) and Rainey (Brian H. Dierker), with whom he forms a friendship. McCandless then makes his way to Carthage, South Dakota and decides to work for a contract harvesting company owned by Wayne Westerberg (Vince Vaughn), but he is forced to leave after Westerberg is arrested for satellite piracy. McCandless then travels to the Colorado River and, though he is told by park rangers that he may not kayak down the river without a license, he ignores their warnings and paddles downriver until he eventually arrives in Mexico. There, his kayak is lost in a sandstorm and he crosses back into the United States on foot.
Unable to easily hitchhike, he starts traveling via freight train to Los Angeles. Not long after arriving, however, he starts feeling "corrupted" by modern civilization and decides to leave. Later, McCandless is forced to switch his traveling method back to hitchhiking after he is beaten brutally by a railroad bull. In December 1991, McCandless arrives at Slab City, and encounters Jan and Rainey again. At The Slabs, he meets Tracy Tatro (Kristen Stewart), a teenage girl who is attracted to McCandless. After the holidays, McCandless decides to continue heading for Alaska, much to everyone's sadness. While camping near Salton City, California, McCandless encounters Ron Franz (Hal Holbrook), a retired man who recounts the story of the loss of his family during his service in the United States Army. He now occupies his time in a workshop as an amateur leather worker. He teaches McCandless the art, resulting in the production of a belt summarizing his travels, and ending in a letter "N" which he explains means "north", i.e. Alaska. After spending several months with Franz, McCandless decides to leave for Alaska and Franz takes him the first 100 miles and gives him camp and travel gear. On parting Franz offers to adopt McCandless as his grandchild, but McCandless tells him that they should discuss this after McCandless returns from Alaska and departs.
In April 1992, after nearly two years on the road and away from his family, McCandless crosses a stream in a remote area of Alaska and sets up camp in an abandoned Fairbanks Transit bus which he encounters. Initially McCandless is exhilarated by the isolation, the beauty of nature around and the thrill of living off the land as the spring thaw arrives. He hunts wild animals with a .22 rifle, reads books, and keeps a diary of his thoughts. At first he is willing to make sacrifices, sparing the life of a female caribou when he spots her offspring. However life becomes harder and he becomes less discerning; his supplies start to run out and although he kills a moose he does not know the correct process for smoking the meat; as a result it is all spoiled and infested with flies and maggots. He realizes that nature is also harsh and uncaring and concludes that true happiness can only be found when shared.
In the pain of realization, McCandless seeks to return from the wild to his friends and family, but, to his despair, he finds that the stream which he crossed in the snow has become wide, deep, and violent due to the thaw, and thus making him unable to cross. McCandless returns to the bus-shelter now as a prisoner. Having previously insisted on being self-sufficient, he is no longer in control of his fate and can only hope for help from the outside.
By the end of the summer, McCandless' supplies run out and he is forced to gather and eat roots and plants. He has a book to help him to distinguish edible from inedible, but he confuses similar plants and becomes violently ill as a result. His book informs him that his mistake will cause him "starvation and death". In his final hours, McCandless continues to document his process of self-realization and accepts his fate, as he imagines his family for one last time. He writes a farewell to the world and crawls into his sleeping bag to die. Two weeks later, his body is found by moose hunters. A month later, Carine returns her brother's ashes by airplane from Alaska to the eastern seaboard in her backpack.



Eddie Vedder - Long Nights

Have no fear
For when I'm alone
I'll be better off than I was before

I've got this life
I'll be around to grow
Who I was before
I cannot recall

Long nights allow me to feel
I'm falling
I am falling
The lights go out
Let me feel
T'm falling
I am falling safely to the ground

I'll take this soul that's inside me now
Like a brand new friend
I'll forever know

I've got this light

And the will to show
I will always be better than before

Long nights allow me to feel
I'm falling
I am falling
The lights go out
Let me feel
I'm falling
I am falling safely to the ground

We have to Drop the idea

we have to drop the idea that every man just because he is twenty one is capable of choosing who is right person to decide the fate of nations.

one thing is aboslutely certain the days of the politicians are over they hace done too well there job of being destructive, voilent they have came to a point where hu,anity has to decide either to die remaning with the politition to commit a global suicide or to throw out the politition and save humanity civilisation culture life

nothing is favourable to the politicians and as each day passes his
death comes closer he himself is responsible he improved the weapons which can bring death to the whole world to such a point that there is no way of going back
either there will be an ultimate war which means death to all and everything or a total change in the whole structure of human society i am calling that change meritocracy
one thing we have to drop the idea that every man just becouse twenty one  is capable of choosing who is the right person to decide the fate of nation
age cannot be the decisive factor we have to change the decisive factor that changing the foundation

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Linkin Park - What I've Done

must watch

A positive attitude leads to happiness and success

A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life.
if you look at the brightest side of life, your whole life become filled with light  this lights addicts not only you and the way you look at world but also your whole environment and the people around you of strong enough it become contagious.

A positive attitude doesn't just happen it is something you have to work at all the time on it
if you have been exhabating a negative attitude and excepting failure and difficulties, now is the time
to change the way you think it is time to get rid of negative thought and behavior and lead a happy and successful life why not start today? if you have tried it only means that you have not tried enough.
yeah i know it is just not possible even for the greatest optimist to smile all the time and feel good thought the everyone
has a spell of the blues snow and then when every thing seems bleak and without cheer but once you develop a positive attitude and raise that life is a roller coaster ride.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

All societies are afraid of innocent people

Nature is absolutely innocent. it knows nothing which can be called corruption.
All societies are afraid of innocent peoples because they will not support anything that goes against their innocence that goes against nature hence the first thing every society does is to corrupt the child the sooner you do it the better, because as the child matures it becomes more and more difficult to corrupt him.
the child has to be corrupted in the very early stages when he is helpless, vulnerable when he has no doubt in his mind when he imply believes in the parents in the teachers in the nabour he cannot conceive that these people are also not aware they are destroying their own childrens.
it is the society of blind people sleepwalkers.
they walking without knowing why, where
they go on stumbling ,hurting themselves and other without even recognizing that this whole pilgrimage is absolutely absurd. life is here and now it is not a pilrimiage it is not a goal somewhere far away that you have to reach but this is part of the corruption pehaps the most important part every child is being taught from the begning when he born.
his innocence is bening distroyed
i dont know why
every child is forced to become something that he never wants to become and he never become for that, he is forced to become for its not his fault.

The way to end corruption

The way to end corruption its to stop living a schizophrenic life.
that’s form where corruption starts. you are one thing and you have
to behave as something else. naturally you have to lie continuously, you have to cheating people continuously. the cheating will be condemned by the society, the lying will be condemned by the society, but the society created the whole thing,
says osho

Corruption starts in childhood

corruption is something manufactured by man.
the child is born absolutely innocent,
there is no seed of corruption in him.
the corruption is created by society
for its own does not want innocent people
around because there is nothing more rebellious,then

Sick Society

 We live in a sick society.
must watch this song.its on society

There is pleasure in the pathless woods;
There is rapture on the lonely shore;
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more.
— Lord Byron

The Mind is always an idiot

The mind is always an idiot. the really intelligence arises out of no-mind,idiocy out of the mind. the mind is idiotic,no-mind is is wisdom,intellegence.

We are just like a River

we are just like a river flowing the forms are flowing in our childhood we have one form and now we do not had that form; that form had gone.river lie we are changing continuosly.